Aston Villa's Colombian hotshot celebrates scoring against Liverpool in May 2024.

Can you name every Colombian to score in the Premier League?

Eighteen Colombian footballers have scored in the Premier League, but how many of them can you name?

Semi-regular qualifiers for the World Cup, Colombia are known for their flair and exuberant style of play at major tournaments, but relatively few of their number have made a significant impression in England.

There are some cult heroes and top-level stars amid others on this quiz and we’d be seriously impressed if you can remember. We’ve given you the clubs they played for as a clue and the number of appearances they made in the competition.

Easy, right? Erm, well, no. Not really. But at least we’ve used an asterisk to denote a player that’s currently active in the competition.

If this puts you in the mood for another quiz, why don’t you try and name every Brazilian player with 5+ Premier League goals?

If you enjoy our quizzes, head to our new Football Games home where you can search an archive of over 1,000 quizzes and play them all in beautiful full-screen mode.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tweet us your scores @planetfutebol.

NEXT QUIZ: Can you name the top Premier League goalscorer for every nationality?