Another year, another Ballon d'Or award for Lionel Messi.

Can you name every player nominated for the 2019 Ballon d’Or award?

Lionel Messi won his sixth Ballon d’Or in 2019 – but can you name the 29 other players nominated for the award that year?

There is no prize for remembering who finished third in the voting behind Messi, but your challenge is to name every nominee in less than 15 minutes.

We’ve listed them in the order in which they finished and included the club they were playing for at the time as a clue.

If you enjoyed this, why not try casting your mind back further and try to name every nominee for the 2008 Ballon d’Or?

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Good luck, and don’t forget to tweet us your scores @planetfutebol.

NEXT QUIZ: Can you name the top Premier League goalscorer for every nationality?