
Can you name every player to score 10+ Premier League goals in 2000-01?

The Premier League was awash with brilliant goalscorers during the 2000s, but how well do you know the top scorers from 2000-01?

In total, 17 players scored 10+ goals in the Premier League that season, including a number of names you perhaps wouldn’t expect.

You’ve got 15 minutes to name them all, with just the number of goals each player scored and the club they played for given as a clue.

If this one is just too easy, why not try to name every player to score 20+ goals in a single Premier League season?

If you haven’t already, sign up for a Planet Sport account to access hints for those tricky answers and to register your score on the leaderboard.

Good luck, and don’t forget to tweet us your score at @planetfutebol.

NEXT QUIZ: Can you name every team to be relegated from the Premier League?