We'd back Jose to beat our score of 6/10. Can you?

Planet Football Saturday Quiz II: Start your weekend with 10 fiendish football brainteasers

Wakey wakey, rise and shine. Saturdays are for staying in bed and scrolling through your phone, bleary-eyed, catching up on the latest football news. So it’s the perfect time to spend five minutes on our latest quiz.

We’ve compiled a list of 10 multi-choice questions – some general knowledge, others inspired by recent events – and we’re fascinated to see how you all get on.

The score to beat from Planet Football HQ is a modest 6/10. Don’t be fooled – we’ve not gone easy on you by any means.

If this gives you the taste for another quiz, have a go at naming the top 30 appearance-makers in Premier League history. And if you missed our first Saturday quiz from last week, try that here

If you enjoy our quizzes, head to our new Football Games home where you can search an archive of over 1,000 quizzes and play them all in beautiful full-screen mode.

Good luck and don’t forget to tweet us your scores @planetfutebol.

NEXT QUIZ: Can you name the 30 most expensive transfers between Premier League clubs?